Early Years Education
01484 665957
Brockholes, Holmfirth
Serving the community for almost 50 years

Brockholes Pre-School is an organisation run by a committee of parents and other Trustees from the local community. The Pre-School has five staff members including an Early Years Teacher.
Brockholes Pre-School admits children providing on assessment, that their needs can be met and a suitable place is available. We are usually able to meet the needs of children who are able walk.
The Pre-School opens from 8.30am until 4.00pm, Monday to Friday in term time only.
It was rated 'Good' by Ofsted in November 2023.
Brockholes Pre-School is a registered charity and is affiliated with the Pre-School Alliance.
It was established in 1976 and is perfectly situated in a purpose built port-a-cabin in the grounds of Brockholes Junior & Infant School which was rated “Outstanding” by Ofsted in January 2013. Pre-School has strong links with the school helping children make a happy transition into school life.
Brockholes Pre-School is a very warm welcoming setting offering excellent facilities for play and activities with an adjacent outside play area. The Pre-School follows the EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, with learning being planned around each child’s interests.
When starting Brockholes Pre-School each child is allocated a key person who manages the childs needs.
The key person tracks the child's development on an online learning journal called Tapesty. The analysis of the information inputed in to Tapesty informs further planning and activities in the setting in order to support each child's development.